Mandoulides Schools is a modern and dynamic educational, sports, and cultural community that is renowned throughout Greece. Evangelos Mantoulidis laid the School's foundations in 1978 with the Kindergarten and Elementary School. Mandoulides Schools comprise: • Day Care Center • Kindergarten • Elementary School • Junior - Senior High Schools • College Counseling Department Mandoulides Schools employ more than 300 people. School life at Mandoulides Schools... • Is nurtured by inspired educators who introduce innovative programs, cultivate capabilities in students, and lead them towards achieving their goals. • Flourishes within a wide range of pioneering learning opportunities such as: Flipped Classroom, Watch & Learn, and Case Studies; participation in international academic programs, and in literary, environmental, and community support projects; as well as an annual student conference in collaboration with Zografeio Lykeio in Istanbul, under the auspices of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. • Culminates with students gaining awards in International Olympiads in Informatics, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Biology, in international language and arts competitions, as well as in World Basketball Championships; and with graduates being admitted in the most prestigious universities in Greece, Europe and the U.S.