The Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee (LPLC) is the compulsory professional indemnity insurer to Victorian-only legal practices and Victorian barristers as well as the insurer to many national law firms. LPLC is an independent statutory body set up under the Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014 (Vic). The committee reports to the Attorney-General and Minister for Finance of the State of Victoria and is the only statutory authority of its kind in Australia. When established in 1986, LPLC insured around 6,000 Victorian solicitors. LPLC now provides high quality insurance cover to approximately 16,000 solicitor practitioners across Australia, as well as over 2,000 barristers practising in Victoria. To assist the profession to improve their claims prevention strategies, LPLC provides a comprehensive program of risk management services to legal practitioners insured with us including education seminars and workshops, telephone enquiry services and extensive online resources. These services have been beneficial not only for our insured practitioners, but also for consumers in improving the quality of legal practice and minimising risk.