An idea... a project... making each place unique, every object that surrounds us, creating with our hands and with the heart in the continuous research of the essence, building day after day, year after year our identity and maintaining our uniqueness. Lover of beauty, in every form, within our " world" can be found different artistic expressions: from floors and covering in "cementina" "pastina" "graniglia", plates, objects, design accessories up to customized projects. Our products are entirely made in Italy, in the Atelier of Attivissimo, in Matera. The Capital European Culture of 2019, among the rolling hills of the region of Basilicata at the border with Puglia. The view breathtaking and the colorful sunsets that nature gives it every day, transforming the windows into paintings, they are a source of inspiration for the continuous search for color and its infinite nuances, looking for the perfection of nature in the technique learned from our ancestors. Each decorated tile is a unique piece, which comes from the hands of the craftsman, punctual to repeat the same sequences of endless processing. Each product is made of natural and selected materials: marble, onyx, quartz and cement.