Accessible and affordable software solutions for urban challengesThe frameworks for sustainable development recently established by the United Nations - the Sustainable Development Goals/Agenda 2030 and the New Urban Agenda, aim at a sustainable, inclusive and resilient development of societies, grounded on the principle of "leaving no-one behind". Although remarkable progress has been achieved, there is still plenty of people being left behind. This is particularly true for the case of the least-resourced cities and communities. For them, most of the technology and tools currently available to support more sustainable development are completely out of reach.ClUrb is a social enterprise aiming at closing this gap.Our mission is to support cities and communities globally, in particular the least-resourced ones, to achieve a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient development .Our value proposition is to simplify and digitalize complex frameworks to support cities and communities in implementing policies, plans and strategies in their most pressing issues in a rapid and collaborative manner.