The Automation,Analytics and Software development Team at Olympus Marine Group specializes in Energy Savings Systems Vessel Optimization as well Custom Software Solutions, and is highly regarded for its expertise in real time data transfer from Ship to Shore. Our flagship Automation system, the EconoMaster is capable but not limited to optimize your ships ventilation and other systems, integrate with virtually any shipboard existing Alarm Monitoring & Automation system you may have, as well any new additions you may seek to add to your vessel's monitoring capacity, such as Mass Flow Meters, Torque Meters, Power Meters, VFD's, Temperature, Pressure, Flow, and more. Beyond this, with our powerful VOP tool ("Vessel Optimization Platform ") we can put you in a position where you are able to observe your ship's data & performance and dynamically optimize your performance in real time from the comfort of your office desk or mobile device.