At Call team we love talking to your customers!Welcome to freedom from the phone constantly ringing giving you time to concentrate on business.Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your important customers are in very good hands. Get some valuable time back and let someone else follow up your warm leads and inquiries.Pretend you're more than a one-person operation (shh! we won't tell)Don't leave your customers to voicemail, let them speak to a real person.Call team are a team of trained receptionists, not an anonymous call centre so we answer calls in a way that is appropriate to your brand and your company. Your customers won't know the difference, we will seamlessly integrate into your business and get to know your customers as if they are our own.It's easy to set up, you can be up and running on our system within half an hour. We'll give you a phone number to forward your phone to and we'll send you a text or an email with the details of any messages received. Our standard package is only £20 a month and we'll give you the first week free!If you don't answer your phone, your competitors will.Call 0845 544 0681 and have a chat with one of our trained customer service representatives, they're very nice.