Fellow member at IANLP International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming - Winterthur, Zurich, Switzerland
IANLP - The independent global standard for Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingIANLP presents internationally accepted standards for training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.Quality training and professional ethics. www.ia-nlp.orgIANLP sets the ambitious 'gold standard' for NLP trainings, that emphasizes professional ethics on the following training levels: NLP Practitioner, NLP Master and NLP Trainer. IANLP guidelines do not accept distance learning time towards fulfillment of curricula, it's got to be real live on-site face-to-face training.Fellow Member Trainers (FMT) are authorized to certify their own NLP trainings with the seal of the IANLP. NLP Trainers who document their outstanding performance, sound experience, and proven teaching experience of at least 300 hours may apply for recognition of their leadership position in NLP training and may be awarded with the distinction "Fellow Member Trainer IANLP" . www.ia-nlp.org