Graduate Teaching Assistant/ Lab Instructor at SFU Department of Archaeology - Burnaby, BC, CA
Manager, Academic & Adminstrative Services, Department of Archaeology
Founded in 1971, the Department of Archaeology has concentrated expertise in three areas – Archaeological and Environmental science, First Nations Heritage and Resource Management, and Biological Anthropology, including Forensic sciences. We offer undergraduate BA honours, major, minor and joint major programs, an undergraduate Certificate in Cultural Resource Management, MA and PhD degrees, as well as a Professional MA in Heritage Resource Management. Housed within the Department are the SFU Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, SFU Archaeology Press, the Human Evolutionary Studies Program, the Centre for Forensic Research (with Criminology), the joint SFU/Jilin University Centre for Bioarchaeology, and the SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative on Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage (IPinCH). The Department has specialized laboratories dedicated to zooarchaeology, paleobotany, stable isotopes, geoarchaeology, geochemistry, human osteology and ancient and forensic DNA.Follow us on social media:Facebook: