Unlike a common freelance translator we offer higher quality translation due to our translators' active cooperation; perform larger scopes of work at the defined period of time including higher numbers of subjects for translation as several translators can be involved in one project. Protranslate team is also a reliable partner in cases where there are reasons and circumstances, due to which a freelancer is unable to perform a previously agreed scope of work.While on the subject of the benefits of Protranslate team compared with translation companies, no doubt that we should mention the absence of intermediates between clients and translators represented by project managers.The working principle of translation companies excludes translator-client communication resulting in translation requirements shortfall due to simple misunderstanding because of manager's misinterpretation of client's requirements or translator's questions.The cost of translation increases as translation process involves a larger number of people and, therefore, resources. Other benefits of our team, compared with translation companies, include translator's direct responsibility for translation quality and deadlines because even after editing a translator but not a company is responsible for client's order, and in case of any inconsistencies corrects them immediately.