❂"Ukamy" means "help me" in Akan language.❂ Ukamy offers a top of range and well educated virtual assistants services from France and all over the world to busy Executives and individuals. You can have access to our offers through our app and website, or just by getting in touch with us (Marie@ukamy.com).⌦We aim to give back their precious time to Entrepreneurs, Executives , and all the busy individuals.⌫We allow them to focus more on decision making, spend more time with their loved ones or pamper themselves. ⛱ We relieve them by doing their work related & personal tasks like :► Inbox management :Create filters, rules, etc. and answer any non-essential emailsSend a TL;DR on certain emails and alerts for the important onesUse templates and rules for customer service inquiries .► Travel Coordination Flight planning // Research new restaurants for taking clientsBuild an itinerary for an upcoming trip►Manage Scheduling & Calendaring Correspond with co-workers to set up weekly meetingsSet-up an end of day document for tomorrow's meetings, complete with dossiersAlert you to important events that are coming up and any actionables.► Set-up Appointments►Make Purchases►Plan Events►Conduct Research (Gather qualitative data on technology ;Create dossiers for new contacts/clients...)►Updated Social Media ►Drive Personal Goals►Manage Household Tasks►Powerpoints and other types of presentations design materials