- Meeting the Challenge of a New Business World -B2B Project Resources Drive to InnovationLink China and Canada to create business valueValue Engineering to bridge China with Canada OUR IDENTITYYour export project solution to conquest ChinaYour China B2C E-commerce within the Free Trade ZoneYour China business design alliance to create valueYour project manager within ChinaYour partner for your China business strategyYour eyes for China investors in CanadaOUR SKILLSWe have a deep understanding of the China business modelWe value your China business strategyWe master and value the culture differencesOUR VALUESIntegrity – we conduct business through honesty, trust and mutual respect and we adhere to our high ethical standardsCreativity – your project is unique and we create value solution for the china strategyCustomer support – we place the highest priority on our customer's needs in view to reach the scope CommitmentTeamwork – we share vision and we are one team . We believe in recognizing, appreciation and using the very best of each individual's talentOUR COMPETENCIESCollectively, we have many valuable years of experience in strategic planning, business performance improvements and execution in many sectors including manufacturing, banking, telecom, IT, television, media, management consulting and China business project operations and management.