WHO IS NEW BEGINNINGS?We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit, faith-based organization committed to helping homeless men, women and children to transition back into the workforce. Our services include case management, job training, professional counseling, life skills training, job placement, housing, food and clothing. Our mission is to empower people to overcome the pain of poverty and the alienation of homelessness.WHO WE SERVESome people mistakenly think that homelessness is a lifestyle choice. The reality is that homelessness is primarily the result of unforeseen challenges. New Beginnings is serving those who want to recover and transition back into the work force. To those struggling with poverty, we provide Access Florida assistance, emergency groceries and job and life skills classes. We also offer vouchers to be used at our thrift stores.HOW WE ARE DIFFERENT New Beginnings takes in men, women, and children in need. They are carefully screened through police and medical records. Relatively healthy adults who have adequate criminal backgrounds are acceptable. Most importantly, they must agree to our admissions policy which includes no alcohol, drugs, or smoking at any time after moving in. Phone calls and watching TV are closely monitored by the house manager. The house manager at New Beginnings monitors all activities and any medicines, and insures that all established policies are adhered to.