Fitzgerald Equity Partners (FEP) is an entity that consults on and makes investments in distressed, charged-off consumer receivables and seeks to achieve high returns while reducing downside risk. FEP's strategy is focused primarily on five opportunistic investment areas within the distressed receivables markets:• Payday Loans / Cash Advances• Demand Deposit Accounts ("DDA")• Credit Cards• Student Loans• Automotive Deficiencies The formation of Fitzgerald Equity Partners was inspired by its affiliate, Fitzgerald Debt Acquisitions, a boutique, distressed debt brokerage. Over the past few years, Fitzgerald Debt Acquisitions has brokered hundreds of millions of dollars in distressed receivables to collections agencies, passive debt buyers, individual investors and private investment funds. In addition, Fitzgerald Debt Acquisitions and its affiliates have successfully invested their own capital in portfolios of distressed receivables, and have developed a strong track record of producing substantial returns.