What motivates us is helping people make smart financial decisions. Over 40,000 clients in Southern California have chosen the AIM organization for their financial security. We thrive on helping people manage their assets. Whether offering help to safely accumulate assets, insuring your current assets, or helping to preserve your assets, we exist to make a difference. Our clients know that we are there for the long haul with their "big picture" in mind. For over 35 years, AIM – All Insurance Marketing Financial, Inc. has been a proud member of the AIM organization headquartered in Southern California. This organization, founded in 1962, started as a small independent financial services group. Today, 51 years later, there are independently owned offices all over the country. AIM – All Insurance Marketing Financial, Inc. maintains offices in the Inland Empire. We are licensed and contracted to conduct business throughout California. __________ Lo que nos motiva es ayudar a las personas a tomar decisiones financieras inteligentes. Más de 40.000 clientes en el sur de California han optado por la organización AIM para su seguridad financiera. Nos esforzamos en ayudar a las personas a administrar sus bienes, ya sea ofreciendo ayuda para acumular de forma segura sus bienes, asegurar o ayudando a preservar sus bienes. Existimos para hacer una diferencia. En AIM – All Insurance Financial Services, Inc. estamos autorizados para realizar negocios en todo California.