Porras Guadiana S.L. is a joint venture between; Porras La Casta arquitectos S.C.P. and Estudio Guadiana S.L. Two architecture studios that have the will to remain together.Founded on the belief that a sustainable perspective is needed to cover the whole spectrum of our projects. We carefully analyse and approach every proposal; from urban planning projects to the architecture discipline, from design strategies to master plans and from the materialization of large-scale projects to their smallest details with a philosophy based on the sensitivity to understand cultures and their meanings.With the firm's methodology used over the past ten years, we strengthen the skills, enthusiasm and knowledge of our teams, clients and involved communities to create inspiring environments and a rich shared knowledge.Our work is done with a deep commitment to the integration and management of the interdisciplinary teams; always looking for innovative design solutions, in addition to the combination with the latest construction advances and techniques learned from vernacular architecture, with full dedication to the architectural knowledge and the potential of materials, in hand with local labour and all the other actors that are involved throughout the design and construction processes.