Eureko is a leading provider of soil washing, recycling and remetiation solutions.Eureko was created to address a specific issue in the extraction industry: the excavation of sand and gravel was not considered environmentally and economically sustainable in the long run.In the last '80 Eureko was a pioneer in implementing a plant for recycling debris and producing aggregates for road beds. More recently Eureko has further improved its mission and in the following years has implemented a new plant for washing contaminated soils and producing aggregates for concrete production. Our vision is to continuosly develop and offer the most advanced techologies to answer environmental needs.We provide a sustainable alternative to traditional aggregates overcoming both environmental and economic limitation of mineral extraction industry.We belive in environmental, innovation, quality and safety as leading principles for our organisation.We also have a internal Lab which is equipped with analytical instruments (ICP-OES and GC) used to detect and measure inorganic (ICP OES) and organic (GC) compound.In 2011 Eureko has registered with EMAS