Find your perfect match to play. Find a player for your match.Timpik helps for leisure Sports Players find other players to play with, sign up for matches, and find, book and pay for pitches and tournaments. Timpik helps for Leisure Sports Operators find and retain players.Internet, mobility and social networks have disrupted many industries. Now it is time for leisure sports. Players are in command and the ecosystem will organize itself around a platform where players find other players and events, and sports operators find players. Plataforma móvil y web que reagrupa a los deportistas amateur. Ofreciendo una plataforma para la organización de partidos entre los jugadores, promoviendo el deporte y las actividades físicas.Ofrece, a su vez, servicios de software online para la organización de torneos y campeonatos, ofreciendo unos servicios añadidos a los participantes generando mayor interés por el evento.