Mario Wu

Finance at 力成科技(苏州)有限公司 - Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

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Suzhou, Jiangsu, China • 60 Employees

Powertech Technology Inc. (PTI) is the world's leading provider for IC backend services. The services cover IC chip probing, packaging, final testing and burn in to end products with drop shipments to worldwide end customers. Founded in September 2009, Powertech Technology (Suzhou) Limited is the first wholly-owned subsidiary of Powertech Technology Inc in mainland China with more than 500 employees. Formerly known as AMD and Spansion, PTI Suzhou plant has been had mass production capability for more than 13 years. It is the first advanced assembly manufacturer in China in terms of 12 inch wafer production technology and MCP technology. PTI (Suzhou) integrates both production and sales as a whole with advanced technology of IC packaging and testing and an ever-growing R&D sales team, and customer service area as well. It is about to establish local supply chain in near future. Our products is covering from the existing flash memory to other forms of memory device and Logic production.In the future, we will endeavor to improve quality and service; to adopt advanced technology while being cost effective. We are targeted to become the leading provider for IC backend services in China. 力成集团是一家居行业领导地位的半导体封装测试公司,为客户提供完善的半导体后段供应链建置及全方位封装测试服务,总部位于中国台湾。服务范围涵盖晶圆针测、封装、测试、预烧至成品的全球出货。 力成科技(苏州)有限公司是力成科技股份有限公司的全资子公司,成立于2009年09月。 目前力成(苏州)拥有约650多名员工。公司前身为美国超微半导体和飞索半导体,拥有13年以上的量产经验, 是国内首家拥有12'晶圆生产技术及多层晶片叠封技术的先进封装企业。突破之前专注于生产制造的运营模式,除了保持已有的半导体封装测试外,现又引进了贴片生产线,建立了销售和客户服务团队,并拥有自己的研发中心,以及本土化的供应链。产品范围除了现有的闪存外,还将扩展到其他形式的记忆体,逻辑元器件等等。未来,我们将更加专注于质量和服务,在技术和成本上也力求卓越,最终目标是将力成(苏州)打造成国内一流的半导体后端服务供应商。

Details about 力成科技(苏州)有限公司
Frequently Asked Questions about Mario Wu
Mario Wu currently works for 力成科技(苏州)有限公司.
Mario Wu's role at 力成科技(苏州)有限公司 is Finance.
Mario Wu's email address is *** To view Mario Wu's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mario Wu works in the Semiconductors industry.
Mario Wu's colleagues at 力成科技(苏州)有限公司 are Youxi Yao and others.
Mario Wu's phone number is +86-0512-62523333
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