Consultant, Event Coordinator, Booking Agent, & Promoter at Venue 578 - Orlando, FL, US
Freelance Digital Designer / Video Artist / VJ / Graphic Designer / Motionographer ......
Venue 578 (formerly Firestone Live) is an internationally acclaimed Orlando staple featuring a multidimensional entertainment complex bridging together world renowned talent with cutting-edge production and sound design. This historical venue, hailed as one of the "freshest nightclubs in the world" by Billboard Magazine and the Rolling Stone, has hosted a variety of the hottest breakthrough artists and most notable names in the industry over the past twenty one years. With state of the art sound, stage, and lighting Venue 578 has the ability to house events up to a 1,500 person capacity indoor and 10,000 person capacity outdoor in Venue 578's Festival Grounds. For booking and rental inquiries, please contact Ashie Rolfe at | 407.872.0066 |