A company of auditors , accountants and consultants practicing in Cyprus.Offices in Limassol , Nicosia, Bucharest and associated offices in London and Athens.One of the company's specializations is the incorporation and administration of International Business CompaniesOur company is authorized under the Cyprus Companies Act to audit companies and submit their financial statements to the relevant authorities. We are also authorized to submit financial statements to the Income tax office and to the Central bank of Cyprus. We maintain the accounting records of a number of our clients and we also undertake the installation of computerized accounting systems and training of their staff. We can arrange the setting up of any company either in Cyprus or abroad.We can give advice on the way how to structure the company its directors and shareholders in order to benefit the most. We can give advise on how to set up trusts and especially International trusts and to advice you on how to operate these. We can advice you on how to operate your entities and we can run your entities on your behalf.We can operate your entity fully. We can open bank accounts rent office ,employ personnel obtain work permits for foreign employees and any other services requested.a. Invoicingb. Bank transfers. Payments / Receiptsc. Payment of Social insurancesd. Payment of taxese. Application for the issue and renewal of work permits.N. Constantinou & Co Audit Ltd is currently a member of i2an International Accounting & Audit Network