Our group consists of two attorneys and a financial expert. Wepersonally manage every file from start to finish. We thrive onsharing our experience and knowledge to help you make the most ofyour personal and business opportunities.Together, we created a hybrid-model multi-disciplinary partnershipas a solution for persons and businesses who require legal andfinancial advice all-in-one firm. We eliminate the need to retainseveral firms to address your various legal and financial concerns.We work both remotely and in person to accommodate yourindividual and business needs.Our service fees are lower than any other comparable company. We areresults-oriented and do not sacrifice quality nor efficiency. We offercomprehensive legal and financial packages to help you get more for less!Our legal services include several practice areas, such as: Business Law(contract management, etc.), Immigration Law (work permits, PR applications,etc.), Intellectual Property Law, Wills & POAs, Notarizing & CommissioningDocuments.Our financial services include, but are not limited to: Custom FinancialPackages, Preparation & Analysis of Financial Statements, Custom AccountingWorkflow, Cash Management Solutions, Government Remittances, andProject Management.Our mission is to create relationships, not transactions. Our promise is that we'll be there, as questions or issues arise, every step of the way.