Marisela Bobadilla's Company Details
Alexandria, VA, US • 100 - 249 Employees
SGI Global provides a range of services that combat transnational criminal, drug trafficking, terrorist and insurgent organizations in asymmetric environments around the world. Our law enforcement-centric investigative and intelligence support and training services, financial crimes expertise, security assessments and logistics capabilities make SGI Global a trusted high-value partner to US Government agencies, partner nations and the commercial sector worldwide.
Counter-Narcotics Training & Mentoring
Transportation & Logistics
Intelligence Support
Studies & Analyses
Financial Investigation (AML/BSA
Asset Forfeiture)
Risk Assessments
Turn-Key Operations Training
Personnel Recovery & Executive Protection Training
Counter-Narcotics Training & Mentoring
Transportation & Logistics
Studies & Analyses
Personnel Recovery & Executive Protection Training
Police Protection
Law Enforcement