Sargent Professional Services manages the full complement of day-to-day bookkeeping for an array of small and medium-sized businesses, ensuring that all financial records are accurate and up to date. Championing your financial success while relieving you of the stress of handling it directly and in detail is what we do and we do it well.Just as physical health is achieved by paying attention to all aspects of your physicality, your financial health needs a holistic approach to be sustained and grown. To that end, Sargent Professional Services is the go-to team, both trustworthy and tenacious, for all things bookkeeping and (soon) accounting. Bookkeeping should be one of the first tasks outsourced as an entrepreneurial entity grows since accurate financial records are a fundamental component in not just surviving but thriving.Whether it's categorizing business numbers in the right place, recording bank reconciliations correctly, properly inputting sales or sundry other bookkeeping steps, we help streamline these essential requirements for achieving your business goals.No matter what the location - working with local clients in person or long-distance clients virtually – Marissa's business ethic is all about the relationship that is built with them. Her goal is simple and straightforward: build clients for life. As a back-office support service, she positions herself as a partner in their business pursuits and sincerely wants to see them succeed as much as they envision their own success.