AL RAHBA MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT offers our clients, a totallyintegrated solution, addressing all mobile energy requirements,with an extensive range of quality equipment and delivery offirst class services.Our key objective is to meet our customer's requirements,using only first class, new, quality equipment from leading plantproviders including, AIRMAN, MILLER, CATERPILLAR, JCB andVOLVO etc.Health, Safety and Environmental standards are important tous and we are fully compliant with current regulations.Short-term hire or long-term contracts are offered on allproducts, with the full support of qualified and competentengineers, to ensure all breakdowns receive prompt andefficient technical assistance with 24 / 7 service and repaircover.AL RAHBA offers the most comprehensive range of plantequipment in the market place and complements this servicewith a range of construction site essentials.Whatever your mobile plant or construction site requirements,talk to AL RAHBA for a mutually agreed, professional solution.