Landscape Architect at SOLA - Studio Oslo Landskapsarkitekter AS - Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Studio Oslo Landscape architects develop innovative solutions for landscapes, urban spaces and urban forms that prioritize people, nature and the interaction between these. We see sustainable and well-functioning, user-friendly and attractive urban and landscape spaces as fundamental in people's lives and as a basis for livable cities and towns.SOLA was founded by Ole Rydningen and Ashley Conn in March 2015. Today, the office has 15 employees including landscape architects, architects and urban planners and one full-time intern.We base our work on social and ecological principles, understanding of urban form and urban space structure and the importance of user involvement and user understanding in the process of creating attractive and user-friendly urban landscapes. At the same time, we see the importance of a multidisciplinary and cross-border approach to various projects, and strive to work across landscapes, architecture and infrastructure to create good results in the modern urban context.We thrive in complex situations and different scales, where many different considerations must be combined to create the best possible project. SOLA continuously strives to create added value through multifunctional solutions that are attractive, reliable, with durable and durable materials and a strong focus on the environment in the form of biodiversity and native vegetation, green mobility, and open surface water management. ExperienceThe office has extensive experience and good competence in all design phases, zoning plans, studies and report writing and project management.SOLA works with several large assignments and many exciting partners, including landscape architects, architects, lighting designers, sociologists, anthropologists and real estate developers. SOLA are centrally approved PRO - tiltaksklasse 3