Measured Group Pty Ltd (Measured) is a multi-disciplined, mining services consultancy. We are focused on providing geology, geotechnical and mining engineering services to the mineral resources industry, financial, legal institutions and government agencies. Measured provides consulting services across the mining value chain that includes: ~ exploration planning and management ~ resource / reserve evaluation and estimation ~ feasibility studies ~ mine planning ~ operational support and optimisation ~ geotechnical engineering ~ tenement management ~ due diligence and independent technical reviews ~ spacial data solutionsOur experienced team of resource professionals have provided quality services and advice since 2007. Our Principals are respected leaders in their fields, who have extensive experience working in corporate, mining operational and project development roles in Australia, Southeast Asia, Africa, North and South America and Russia. In addition, we have expertise in a range of commodities including coal, gold, iron ore, graphite, nickel, copper, zinc, lithium and uranium. We use Vulcan, Minescape, Minex, Leapfrog3D, GOCAD, Strat3D, Datamine, Xpac and Deswik modelling software, MapInfo and ArcGIS geo-spatial software, as well as acQuire and Geobank database software. We are recognised as experts in the use of these software packages and provide training and mentoring to users. At Measured, our skills and experience ensures we are uniquely positioned to find the right solution to deliver quality, value and results for our clients.