Balanced direction is a not for profit company dedicated to help small and medium enterprises (SME's) through the economic difficulties facing their business, and their employees' livelihoods during this challenging time in South Africa.COVID-19 LOCKDOWNIT IS NOT ALL BAD NEWSWhile there is a lot to be concerned about, it is not all bad news.SME's (and their employees) account for a big part of South Africa's economyGovernment and the private sector is determined to support SME's and their employeesThe broad community is aware of the strain local businesses will be under for the foreseeable future and will support local business (and our economy as a whole) where possibleNow is the time to streamline your business to be able to support you, your family, and your employees during this trying time. It is essential that you put your business in survival mode now, but also position yourself to benefit from growth when the economy and demand returns