Most midsize and smaller businesses have stalled opportunities for growth or improvement. With a focus on providing analysis and recommendations for important strategic and market-facing decisions of midsize and smaller businesses, WisePath Strategy LLC can help. WisePath Strategy can help navigate opportunities toward becoming "Paths to Results" (whether you want a fresh set of eyes, or your team is at capacity running the day-to-day business), specializing in questions like: Profitability: "Our margins are slipping on current core business… …how do we regain profitability on our core? Marketing: "I'm not sure what our marketing efforts accomplish… …how do we assess our marketing strategy, campaigns, and results?" Products: "Our new products haven't grown our total business… …how do we focus on ideas that generate true incremental growth?" Channels: "It looks like a great channel for us to develop… …how do we successfully do it, and manage core channel conflict?" Processes: "We keep missing steps, and take too long doing so… …how do we develop strong processes while running our business?" Acquisitions: "Our "gut feel" is that an acquisition may make sense… …how do we create a plan and find a target that can create value?" Strategy: "I'm not sure we're progressing long term… …how do we create the right strategy, and make sure we execute?"