SecureLinQ is a managed security services provider. Our focus is Endpoint threat detection and protection for small to medium size businesses that may not have the money or support staff to effectively protect their organization's electronic assets. SecureLinQ provides three (3) Core Services:1) Endpoint (PC's, Desktops and Servers) Threat Protection2) Email Filtering 3) Malicious Web/URL FilteringWe're an organization of trusted security experts that offer cost effective, comprehensive solutions allowing our clients to focus on their core business and let us address data security.The digital age is bringing new opportunities to your company—but also exposing it to new security risks whether it's new vulnerabilities, new ways to be hacked or new regulations - it's getting more complex and the level of sustained investment to keep up is increasing.Save time and money by leveraging SecureLinQ's Managed Security Services, allowing you to focus on running your business.