I heartily enjoy image making. I have since I was young lad. My dad gave me his old Pentax ME Super and I was hooked.I'm a social guy. I like people. By nature, retouching is a collaborative relationship. That's a perk. The shared accomplishment is a great reward to me. I am privileged to get to make great images with great people.For as long as I can remember I have been drawn to the human face. We are all wired from birth to recognize and be attracted to the face, but my fascination goes beyond that. I am particularly fond of eyes. While browsing imagery, a tightly cropped, intimate photo of a face will stop me and hold my attention longer than any other kind of image. I'll just stare at the eyes and try to learn something about the subject.In a virtual tie with people imagery at the top of my interest list is anything to do with cars. Driving them, taking photos of them, reading about them, learning about the technology behind them—it's all wonderful to me. As with the love of photography, the passion for all things automotive was passed down from my father.Retouching allows me to exercise the geeky, technical side of my brain. I get to solve problems. I get to use shiny computers and graphics tablets. Retouching also exercises the creative side of my brain. Although the initial image idea may come from someone else, we work together to create a beautiful, impactful visual. Both sides of my brain get worked out.