Since 1980, Integrated has developed and implemented strategic channel marketing and communications programs for more than 325 IT vendors and 25 distributors. A privately owned and managed business, is a strong channel advocate. In 1993, founded and still manages the 1,000-member ChannelLine Advisory Council, a service provider alliance of 100 companies and the Trusted Business Advisor program that is changing the existing paradigm of how the IT Channel markets its wears by making it easier for Vendors and VARs to provide, service and support IT-centric business solutions for SMBs. publishes 3 channel ePubs (daily, circ. 160,000 channel members, primarily in the US and Canada), : eChannelLine Daily News, Channel Advisor, and Trusted Business Advisor; as well as ConnectIT, a daily channel advocacy SMB also publishes a daily SMB ePub: ConnectIT (daily circulation of 335,000). ConnectIT provides SMBs, including VARs, with information on how they can increase their bottom line, focusing on business disciplines, services and ethics with an emphasis on IT-centric business solutions and an overall underlying channel advocacy message. Capitalizing on's channel experience, strategic marketing expertise, strong channel databases, respected channel ePublications, relationships and the outreach capability we have through the 1,000 IT channel professionals that provide thought leadership via the ChannelLine Advisory Council, Integrated developed the Trusted Business Advisor Association.