Director & Editor-in-Chief at Africa Peace and Conflict Network - , , United States
APCN is a nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to advancing positive peace in Africa through research, capacity building, and praxis. Primary activities include knowledge generation & dissemination and peacebuilding praxis, assistance & training.APCN is comprised of over 150 Africanist scholars and professionals active in conflict analysis and resolution research, training, and practice. We employ a broad, longitudinal approach to engage conflict constructively from root causes to long-term post-conflict reconstruction & peacebuilding. A durable peace requires a multidimensional effort. APCN's approach thus extends beyond settlement negotiations to encompass restorative justice, social change and issues linked to root causes like international development and assistance, governance, law, and policing. APCN Activities since 2004 Inception*Capacity building and human resources development in African peacebuildingScholarly and applied training in conflict analysis & resolution for Africans and others*Establishing a pool of persons order to produce a pool of peace-workers with robust analytical & practitioner skills and a deep commitment to contributing to peace & human development in Africa *Assisting the work & capacities of peacebuilders and peace organizations*Research & publication of research findings*Education and information dissemination, incl. workshops, symposia & public eventsWebsite contains open access publications: research papers, briefings, film/book reviews, photo-essays, and podcasts.