Mark Flint

Salesperson at Davidson Sales - Holly Hill, FL, US

Mark Flint's Contact Details
Greater Orlando
Davidson Sales
Mark Flint's Company Details
Davidson Sales logo, Davidson Sales contact details

Davidson Sales

Holly Hill, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Established in 1987 by Ike Davidson, Davidson Sales Company is not your typical manufacturers' representative. In addition to providing a technical sales force covering multiple states and the Caribbean for products ranging from mobile fuel polishing equipment to medium voltage switchgear, we are a stocking distributor and light manufacturer. Our customers are businesses in the power generation, industrial engine and the marine market. As a factory representative, we provide the local boots on the ground to effectively represent our lines throughout our growing territory. Under the tradename Panelsource and Gator, we manufacture control panels and fiberglass battery trays and boxes. As a stocking distributor, we warehouse products that complement and support our factory lines and allow us to bridge the gap between the factory lead-time and immediate delivery. Since our inception, Davidson Sales Company has focused on developing business with our customers by offering quality products, a technically trained staff and superior customer service. It is our mission to establish long-term partnerships with our customers by offering a true source of value.

Details about Davidson Sales
Frequently Asked Questions about Mark Flint
Mark Flint currently works for Davidson Sales.
Mark Flint's role at Davidson Sales is Salesperson.
Mark Flint's email address is *** To view Mark Flint's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mark Flint works in the Electronics industry.
Mark Flint's colleagues at Davidson Sales are John Cloughley, Rhonda Smith, James Ohare, Tony Norwood, TJ Burk, Valerie Burk, Nemesio Marrero and others.
Mark Flint's phone number is 386-274-2079
See more information about Mark Flint