Mark Florida

Project Advisor at Colorado School of Mines - Golden, Colorado, US

Mark Florida's Colleagues at Colorado School of Mines
Sue Anderson

Adjunct Faculty, Consultant

Contact Sue Anderson

Kirsten Volpi

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Contact Kirsten Volpi

Ann Hix

Benefits Technician

Contact Ann Hix

Wendy WinterSearcy

Associate Director Career Center Advising and Professional Development

Contact Wendy WinterSearcy

View All Mark Florida's Colleagues
Mark Florida's Contact Details
(303) 273-3000
Evergreen, Jefferson County, Colorado, United States
Colorado School of Mines
Mark Florida's Company Details
Colorado School of Mines logo, Colorado School of Mines contact details

Colorado School of Mines

Golden, Colorado, US • 5358 Employees

Colorado School of Mines is a public research university devoted to engineering and applied science. It has the highest admissions standards of any public university in Colorado and among the highest of any public university in the U.S. Mines has distinguished itself by developing a curriculum and research program geared towards responsible stewardship of the earth and its resources. In addition to strong education and research programs in traditional fields of science and engineering, Mines is one of a very few institutions in the world having broad expertise in resource exploration, extraction, production and utilization. As such, Mines occupies a unique position among the world's institutions of higher education. Since its founding in 1874, the translation of the school's mission into educational programs has been influenced by the needs of society. Those needs are now focused more clearly than ever before. The world faces a crisis in balancing resource availability with environmental protection and Mines and its programs are central to the solution. Mines offers all the advantages of a world-class research institution with a size that allows for personal attention.

Applied Artificial Intelligence Engineering Education Natural Resources Technology And Engineering Materials Science
Details about Colorado School of Mines
Frequently Asked Questions about Mark Florida
Mark Florida currently works for Colorado School of Mines.
Mark Florida's role at Colorado School of Mines is Project Advisor.
Mark Florida's email address is *** To view Mark Florida's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mark Florida works in the College/University industry.
Mark Florida's colleagues at Colorado School of Mines are Sue Anderson, Debo Gao, Salman Mohagheghi, Kirsten Volpi, Ann Hix, Phillips Bradford, Wendy WinterSearcy and others.
Mark Florida's phone number is (303) 273-3000
See more information about Mark Florida