Phoria Energy Solutions is an environmental services and technology company that identifies, capitalizes, and commercializes cutting edge energy efficient and renewable energy technologies.Phoria currently is building an integrated technology portfolio that includes innovative solutions in HVAC, industrial air conditioning, lighting, building energy management software and real-time energy automation software. Phoria's Ecosystem also carries a broad range of strategic partnerships with energy management, engineering, consulting, manufacturing, LEED certified and energy efficiency financing firms which support its overall technology infrastructure and commercialization efforts.Mission Statement: "Empowering Individuals, Powering the World"Our company's mission is to the meet the challenges posed by the current global energy and economic environment by seeking out and developing new generation energy technology. The ecosystem of Phoria currently houses business divisions which are specifically targeted at emerging markets with technologies that promote clean, efficient energy which empowers our customers through alternative energy options. Phoria energy is committed to the long-term global infrastructure rebuilding efforts to promote an abundance of energy while taking the necessary steps to keep the world's environment clean.