Tolerisk® is an analytical tool used by all types of Financial Professionals to help their clients figure out how much risk to take in their investment portfolio. Tolerisk® quantifies an investor's ABILITY to take investment risk by analyzing anticipated cash-flows in and out of their portfolio over time. Their ABILITY is then combined with a quantified WILLINGNESS (personality) for risk in a scientific manner. The result is a range of numerical stocks/bonds benchmarks that are clear, specific, and implementable. In addition to this analysis, Tolerisk® highlights to the Advisor which variables are the biggest drivers of each client's Risk Tolerance (Note: The answer can be very different depending on the combination of inputs for each person) so appropriate focus can be paid to the right assumptions. This also helps the investor understand what drove their risk tolerance and how it may evolve in the future. To further increase the value of Tolerisk® to your investor, various benchmark portfolios are overlaid with the user assumptions, and 85+ years of stock, bond, and inflation data. The result illustrates the longevity of the investor's funds. (hint: The lowest volatility portfolio isn't always the lowest risk decision - this is a great way to illustrate this to your investors.)