Locate Your Look is a unique marketing platform and specialist online support function solely for the hair and beauty industry, a true media partner to your business, whether you are working alone or have a team.Our aim is to make it easier for customers searching for Hair, Beauty or Aesthetic services to find experienced and trusted professionals. We are committed to drive customers to the right place which will increase revenue to your business, while building a good reputation with every positive review that is published on our third party review site for all to see. A good reputation is one of the first thing people want to know about your business.We pride ourselves on showcasing only the best professionals and businesses to the public and our followers through our large online audience giving you the perfect extension to your business.We appreciate that as business owners, you are extremely busy people and know that marketing your business can become both an expensive and time consuming exercise, which can get in the way of doing the job you love. Today, as most business owners know, word of mouth alone is simply not enough. To be perfectly honest, neither is just having a website. With around 690,000 people searching online for Hair and Beauty services every month in the UK, you also need a strong online presence outside your website for the best chance to get leads and sales—this includes social media and directories related to your industry.We work extremely closely with all of our members, helping and supporting them in anyway we can, from staff issues to promotions. We simply want to share with the public, what your business offers and what is special about you and your business.Locate Your Look provides you with everything you need to start building your reputation and grow your business within your area. If you're in the hair, beauty or aesthetics business, Locate Your Look is a must.