Executive Director at Connecticut Harm Reduction Alliance (CTHRA) - Hartford, Connecticut, United States
The CTHRA now houses both the GHHRC and Sex Workers and Allies Network (SWAN) programs to further meet the needs of our community participants across the state of Connecticut; staying dedicated to promoting the dignity and wellbeing of individuals and communities impacted by drug use, homelessness, and sex work. We exist to mobilize our collective resources to facilitate the human connectedness that builds trust and helps to tailor services and service delivery that is consistent, dependable, non-coercive, non-condemning and culturally appropriate. We aim to support our sisters and brothers working in the field by ensuring that our programs and policies do not constrain, but rather stimulate opportunities to build individual and community wellness. Additionally, we aim to empower the most affected and marginalized among us to have a legitimate voice in the program design and delivery.