I am an independent advisor representative who loves helping clients achieve the same goals that are important to me -- dreaming and planning for the future, educating children, getting and staying out of debt, planning for when and how much to pay in taxes, giving back to others, and having some fun along the way. In my opinion, many are capable of managing their day-to-day finances, investing in their future, and protecting themselves from unexpected events, but unfortunately many do not! The busyness of life keeps many otherwise successful people from staying on the path toward a financially successful retirement.This is where I come in. As your advisor, I will look at your entire financial picture, listen closely to your goals and concerns, identify a plan of action that makes sense, and walk with you through each year as we track progress toward your dreams and goals.We primarily help faculty in the University of Texas and University of North Texas systems who are saving for retirement through the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP), Tax Sheltered Annuities (403b accounts), and 457 accounts. I also help folks from many other professions. And although I enjoy working with clients in the accumulation stage, I work with just as many clients on the other side of retirement, helping to make their money last through all types of life events that they encounter during the retirement years. To schedule a complementary consult, email mkeffer@iscgroup.com or call 469-481-2416. We are not able to respond to instant messages on Linked in or text messages.Securities offered through Institutional Securities Corp. 3500 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste. 400, Dallas, TX 75219 (214)520-1115 member FINRA/SIPC. Mark Keffer is a registered representative of ISC and an investment advisor representative of ISC Advisors, LLC. MK Financial, LLC. is a separate entity and not affiliated with the entities ISC or ISC Advisors, Inc.