MVP Insurance Marketing, Inc. was founded in 2001 by Jeffrey Vann, an accomplished marketing professional and entrepreneur. Headquartered in Los Angeles, MVP is part of the INSOMIS Corporation family of companies, which includes Insurance Marketing and Management Services (IMMS), a 30+ year old leading Property/Casualty Association that serves thousands of agencies throughout the U.S., Canada, and Australia. Capitalizing on our corporate synergies, industry experience, processes and technology, we have successfully brought to market an exclusive producer network for Life and Health insurance professionals like no other. The MVP PRODUCER NETWORK is a bookend-to-bookend solution that generates Revenues, Retention, & Referrals immediately and consistently for our producers. When you join the MVP Producer Network, your prospecting issues (such as not having enough) and expenses are OVER. You must qualify to join and there is a limit to the number of producers that can join the network per MVP territory.