ABOUT USACE Capital Group is a premier leader in the Land Banking industry with over 40 years of combined experience and expertise in locating, acquiring, vetting, and distributing premium California land parcels as long-term investment vehicles. Utilizing carefully researched and strategically located California land parcels, our team at ACE Capital Group offers a time-tested, proven, powerful, safe, and secure strategy to help individuals, families, and business owners all over the world to build, sustain, and protect their wealth. Surrounded by prime growth industries with rapidly expanding retail, residential, commercial, and industrial developments, ACE Capital Group California land parcels leverage the money invested with low risk and high rewards, averaging strong double-digit returns over the past 30+ years. OUR MISSIONOur mission at ACE Capital Group is simply to help you build, grow, preserve, and protect the financial resources necessary to fulfill all of your dreams and goals through California land banking. Let's prosper together! Contact us today!