Mark Sakach

Director Of Operations at RAVAN AIR - Conneaut Lakeshore, PA, US

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Mark Sakach's Contact Details
Landisburg, Pennsylvania
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Conneaut Lakeshore, PA, US • 5 - 9 Employees

- Underground mapping services and underground pipeline inspection services are increasingly sought-after and we have mastered the technology and skills to provide the most current, detailed and reliable underground services.- These services include the use of a probe and camera to detect defects, misaligned joints, deviations, crossbores, structural conditions, infiltration and inflow, lost items, general mapping and more for the utility, oil and gas pipeline and construction industries.- Our team holds many certifications, including NASSCO PACP, MACP & LACP.- We also provide UAV services as a contractor for the oil and gas industries and as a service provider for the oil and gas, utility infrastructure, industrial, construction, landfill and telecommunications industries. - UAV services include: methane laser scanner, FLIR and HD imaging and video with coverage throughout the continental United States. - Located in Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania, RAVAN AIR was started in February of 2018 by Raymond and Ivan Hershberger, Mark Sakach and David Rock after recognizing a growing industry need for safe, productive and efficient probe and camera operators, UAV contractors and consulting services. - Raymond Hershberger also helms RAVAN INC., the parent company of RAVAN AIR and Tru-Tek Drilling, a family owned horizontal directional drilling company in operation for 19 years.

Details about RAVAN AIR
Frequently Asked Questions about Mark Sakach
Mark Sakach currently works for RAVAN AIR.
Mark Sakach's role at RAVAN AIR is Director Of Operations.
Mark Sakach's email address is *** To view Mark Sakach's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Mark Sakach works in the Utilities industry.
Mark Sakach's colleagues at RAVAN AIR are Dave Rock and others.
Mark Sakach's phone number is N/A
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