Mark Weak's Company Details
Waterloo, IA, US • 250 - 499 Employees
Since 1970, POS has worked with healthcare and dental practices to improve the patient experience and increase the collection of patient-owed balances through improved patient communications. Our solutions are categorized into four areas – Print, Patient Payment Services, Digital Messaging and Patient Surveys. And we do it with your brand, so every brochure, bill, form, electronic message and marketing piece has a consistent look and message for your patients.
Healthcare Marketing
Accounts Receivable Solutions
Appointment Reminders
Patient Surveys
Patient Portal Adoption
Digital Messaging
Statement Processing
Patient Communications
Patient Experience
Automated Messaging
Dental Practices
Patient Payment Services
Marketing and Brand Strategy
Print Management Including Web-2-Print
Medical Specialty Marketing
Specialty Hospitals
Except Psychiatric
Hospital & Health Care