Today, there are no practical ways to economically transport natural gas from a remote location to an existing distribution systems.While technologies like cryogenics, which convert natural gas to a transportable liquid state at hundreds of degrees below zero are available, they are highly specialized and require expensive infrastructure.Pipelines are the standard transport infrastructure. Pipelines are tested and proven but are not without controversy, political challenges, and are costly to install and maintain. The current cost of a pipeline is estimated to be $750,000 per diameter inch per mile. In addition to the high cost, pipelines are only possible if right-of-ways are obtained. Building new pipelines to take advantage of recently discovered natural gas reserves is a barrier to entry for higher utilization of this clean and economical resource. These economic, political, and social barriers leave vast amounts of natural gas stranded in capped wells and remote storage facilities.GWTI is writing "new rules" for natural gas to liquid fuel conversion and delivery which will dramatically change the world's energy landscape and will positively impact US dependence on imported oil.Greenway's solution is an innovative new technology that will change the oil and gas industry as we know it.