*** Free Workplace Wellness Workshop - email enquiries / bookings to daniel@workplaceyoga.com.au or PH: 0417 021 639 *** Read below for more information ... Workplace Yoga Wellness & Mindfulness empower staff in the workplace with energy development programs that develop the body and mind through wellness assessments & coaching, mindfulness meditation training and corporate yoga programs. We show you how to optimise your personal health, wellness, mindfulness and energy levels and improve your ability to handle stress and difficult situations. The free introductory wellness workshop includes: 1. Free One Hour Introductory Presentation in your workplace where staff will learn a mindfulness meditation method and two breathing techniques - one to reduce stress and one that will increase your energy. You will also hear about recent university studies confirming increased cognitive performance, reductions in stress and the effects of ageing as a result of yoga and meditation practice. Email bookings to daniel@workplaceyoga.com.au or Phone 0417 021 639. Our other offerings include: 2. Private Wellness Assessments & Coaching 3. Group yoga and mindfulness meditation programs; and 4. Private one on one executive stress management coaching for executives seeking to have a happier, healthier and less stressful work life. We offer classes and private consultations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. Recent PWC Research shows that every $1 invested in workplace wellness programs will produce a return of $2.30. Regular workplace yoga and mindfulness meditation classes will help improve company productivity and reduce staff absenteeism. Email enquiries to contactus@workplaceyoga.com.au or PH: 0417 021 639.