Key-Systems™ is an international IT company that currently manages more than 4 million domains for more than 100,000 retail/corporate customers and 2,300 resellers worldwide. KeySystems' headquarters are located in St. Ingbert/Germany. The company runs a subsidiary in the USA. Key-Systems' business areas include the retail customer portal domaindiscount24, the corporate domain portal BrandShelter, and the reseller portal RRPproxy. Furthermore, the company runs the TIER III Key-Systems DataCenter and a service for registry operation (KSregistry). Key-Systems is member of the CentralNic Group PLC ( and Solutions: - registrations of domain names with direct access to registries- software solutions for resellers/retail customers for the automated domain registration and administration- web space for retail customers and resellers- additional proposals like DNS, servers and SMS services, SSL certificates- corporate services and solutions for online brand protection and domain management- technical operation of a registry and consulting services for TLD administration- professional IT for commercial and private entitiesImpressum: +49 (0) 68 94 - 93 96 850General requests: info@key-systems.netProduct information: