WHAT WE DO: Grow your website's organic traffic with tried and true best optimization practices. We take care of your SEO, digital PR, and link building to drive traffic, improve rankings, and increase revenue. ___My name is Marquis and I'm the woman behind Ahimsa Digital. I'm an SEO and have been successfully growing businesses through content marketing since 2016. Ahimsa Digital was born out of a drive to help make the world a better place through my SEO skills.Rather than helping businesses get richer while the Earth and its people grew poorer, I decided to help promote companies that are doing good instead.My clients are businesses that have ethical and sustainable business models, spread love, and do no harm.It seemed fitting, then, to call my agency Ahimsa Digital, after the first Yama of the Eight Limbs of Yoga. Ahimsa means "non-violence", doing no harm to others in everything you do.And that's what I want to put out into the world. In everything that I do, I want to ensure that it's not at the expense of others or the planet.