The IMCA (Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers) is the national and internationally recognised professional institute for management consultants and business advisers in Ireland.Our mission is to foster and promote the value, quality and benefits of business consulting and advisory services in Ireland. We achieve this by establishing, supporting and measuring quality standards, by representing and supporting the profession and by promoting the value and benefits delivered to clients.Our principal objective is to advance the professions of management consultancy and business advice by establishing and maintaining the highest standards of performance and conduct by our members, and by promoting the knowledge and skills required for that purpose.Membership is open to management consultants and business advisers working with major international practices, specialist sole practitioners and public sector bodies.The IMCA is authorised to award the CMC (Certified Management Consultant) designation in Ireland. The initials CMC following a consultant's name means that he or she meets the strict certification requirements of the IMCA which are based on world class standards of competence, ethics and independence set by the ICMCI (International Council of Management Consulting Institutes)