Internet Society Cybersecurity SIG serves the Society's purposes by serving the interests of a segment of the global Internet community through multiple clusters placed in strategic regions to have a global scope. Our purpose is to develop the appropriate mechanisms of participation, collaboration and dialogue to propose how to build trust, prosperity and security on the Internet, balance national security issues with fundamental and human rights (such as, privacy, freedom of expression, etc.) and enable innovation to foster the deployment of emerging technologies under the strictest privacy, data protection and security standards. Our scope would be concentrated on developing knowledge and new opportunities for collaboration and discussion on cybersecurity issues, trends, rights, policies, and best practices, while building a well-informed society and sustaining a high-value network for the next generation of cybersecurity leaders. Internet Society Cybersecurity SIG will serve persons and organizations which are based in any place of the globe.Internet Society Cybersecurity SIG is organized as a not for profit organization under applicable law.These bylaws neither supersede nor abrogate any of the Bylaws of the Internet Society that govern the SIG affairs.