Exosomics is a company located in Siena (Italy), founded in 2011 with the aim to leverage the EV potential for diagnostic purposes. Currently Exosomics provides a range of pre-analytical solutions able to enrich tumor-derived EVs and exosomes from human biofluids and extract their genomic DNA and RNA content. This technology allows earlier detection of tumor-causing mutations from liquid biopsies and enables the next generation of cancer screening, staging, profiling and monitoring tests. Our technologies are efficient in both biomarker discovery and confirmation studies, and comply with clinical grade analytical platforms. Additionally, they are open platform for customizable solutions suitable for discovery of disease-associated biomarkers. In 2019, Exosomics acquired HansaBioMed Life Sciences a company entirely focused on the research in the field of exosomes, extracellular vesicles (EVs) and nanoparticles.With a team of more than 30 employees between its two Sites in Italy and Estonia, our expertise in the field has attracted some major Pharma and Biotech companies who have entrusted us with their studies about EVs.Amongst our unique integrated solutions for extracellular vesicles and exosome biomarkers in biofluids, we employ an exceptional workflow through an innovative Flow Cytrometry Technique which implements a new avenue for single EVs and especially exosomes detection. A versatile and powerful platform that allows simultaneous acquisition of the side scatter and fluorescence signals and enables a quantitative and multi-parameter analysis of single EVs down to 40nm.